Unless you are the only person who ever rides in your vehicle, car organization might seem like a lost cause. I’ll admit that until recently I just didn’t see the point. When several people share a vehicle I can only do so much to control the chaos.
I mean, I don’t always have a trashed car, but when I do I realize it exactly three seconds before a friend or family member steps in for a ride.
An immediate rush of guilt and embarrassment washes over me, but what can I do? So we ride in the mess, while I silently promise that I will clean my car the second I get home and make my kids vow never to bring another crayon into our vehicle.
And then we get home and after carrying approximately 47 items inside with me (many of which are not mine), I don’t feel like/have time to/ remember to go back out and gather the trash in the door or my water bottle from yesterday.
Praying I’m not alone here…
Here’s the thing though – I did not grow up like this. My parents were anal about keeping our cars clean and never leaving anything behind. So why am I so bad at this?
I think creating a culture of organization is part of the solution. I keep most every space in our home highly organized, so why not let that carry over to the car? I decided to give it a shot and this is what I came up with:
How to organize your car and keep it that way:
1// Keep Cleaning, Window, and Leather wipes in the console of your car
You can get cleaning wipes for your windows, leather and car interior HERE. They are slender so they will fit virtually anywhere, but will tuck especially nicely in your console. Any spare moment can be used to do a quick once over. It’s that easy! No more waiting around for a car wash.
2// Replace your air freshener regularly
You know that air freshener you’ve had since you bought that car two years ago? Yeah, you need to replace it. Or just throw it away.
If you’re curious about the best air fresheners to use, and how long they last, check out this article.
3// Keep a small trash bag in the front and back seats
This tip is a life saver for me. Containing all the random trash and gum wrappers makes it so easy to toss in the trash when we get home. You can purchase small trash bags here OR simply reuse grocery sacks (which happen to hang from back seat arm rests just right).
4// Max Out the Console
One of the easiest ways to organize your car is to utilize your console and max it out! I’m sure you have a few things floating around down there- Old CDs you can’t part with, an unknown amount of change, maybe some tissues…and a few runaway Sour Patch Kids…
I mean, I don’t have any of this floating around in my console.
At all.
Especially the Sour Patch Kids.
The console doesn’t have to be your “Monica closet” (you know, the episode of Friends where Chandler finds out what’s in the storage closet of his and Monica’s apartment). See…
There are several ways to keep the console organized and easy to navigate. The best way, though, is to use a Small plastic bin for tissues, gum, napkins, wet wipes, hand sanitizer spray, etc.
We have all, at one time or another, found ourselves desperately (and unsuccessfully) hunting for a napkin in the car. It’s so annoying to need a napkin and not be able to find one. I mean, it’s not like you can just walk to the other room and get one.
You’re in the car! There is no other room!
Yeah, a small plastic bin can contain all the napkins, and everything else you find floating around in the various storage compartments of your vehicle. Anything you regularly use or need can go right in the bin.
I recommend using a bin with a lid because should the kids need something in the back seat and you can’t help them at the moment, you can hand the bin back without fear of everything spilling out all over the place.
**Note- if you have a smaller console, the following items can be stored in a small bin between the back seats or on the floor board between the back seats.**
4// Laundry bag for DVD system headphones and remotes
Use a soft draw string bag for headphones and remotes. This will make them easier to store while keeping them altogether.
5// Travel CD case for DVDs
Thankfully you remember CDs and know what I’m talking about here. Rather than juggling individual hard cases, go the all-in-one route with a CD/DVD case (and then toss the hard cases). These fit nicely pretty much anywhere you need to them to go.
6// Emergency/ after school snacks
My kids are ravenous when I pick them up from school. Always asking if I packed them something and can we stop to get a snack somewhere (which would take longer than just going straight home). Enter the snack bag. Snack bag items might include – but are not limited to – the following:
- individual bags of crackers, chips, pretzels, or cookies
- nuts/trail mix
- fruit straws
- dried fruit
Basically anything with a decent shelf life that doesn’t have to be refrigerated and doesn’t contain chocolate (ugh, can you imagine the mess?! Gross).
7// Save the glove box for car related materials
Use the glove box for utilitarian purposes only. Keep the car manual there as well as oil change, tire rotation, and maintenance records. Your auto insurance card can easily be store there, too.
8// Include the kids
I know I say this a lot, but I just can’t bring myself to do every. single. thing for my kids. I’m trying to raise responsible adults here! They love to help, too.
Putting a few of the aforementioned supplies within their reach will give them a roll in keeping the car organized and clean.
On a personal note, it has been humbling to explain to my kids that this is an area of my life I struggle with. I want to be a good steward with my car, but it’s hard sometimes.
Letting them see that I struggle too has been so healthy for us, and I dare say they love and trust me even more because they see that I’m human.
Keeping the car organized is an ongoing challenge, but a worthy one, because every time I get into my car I know I’m not stepping into a car tornado…or carnado. Ha!
Okay, go organize your car! Then come tell me how you did it!
Got any great car organization tricks? How do you organized your vehicle and keep it that way?