I don’t always give my kids Easter Baskets full of goodies, but when I do it sneaks up on me and I am scrambling to come up with good ideas. This probably never happens to you, but just in case it does you’re in good company.
Easter baskets are essentially the stockings of Easter. They aren’t necessary, but they are fun to fill with…stuff. But what stuff? Over the years I have determined what I’m willing to fill baskets with and what is just not worth it.
There are a couple of criteria my Easter baskets must meet (I know, I’m super fun mom, right?). First of all, and most importantly, and if you only see this one point that would be okay, NO CANDY. Candy is the obvious choice for Easter basket stuffers, but good grief! We are still up to our eyeballs in all the Christmas and Valentine’s candy we’ve gotten this year (and there are never enough snickers, by the way).
Second of all, my baskets will not contain putty, or slime, or sticky feet things, or play dough, or anything that will ruin someone’s hair or leave grease stains on my walls (yes, both of those things have happened).
Lastly, the Easter baskets must contain mostly (if not all) consumable goods that each cost less than $20. We just don’t need more ‘stuff’ all over the place.
The following Easter basket ideas are proven winners, and to my knowledge, will not cause cavities or force you to cut a sizable chunk of your little girl’s hair. And if you are rushing to get your Easter goodies together, don’t worry! You still have time to order on Amazon or grab most items at local stores.
23 Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas:
1. Bubbles
2. Vinyl name stickers
3. Potted plant kit with seeds, gardening gloves, potting soil, and watering can
4. Rain boots
5. Gift cards
6. Side walk chalk
7. Markers and Drawing Paper
8. Temporary Easter Themed Tattoos
9. Flip Flops
10. Sunglasses
11. Hairbows/brushes/headbands
12. Chapstick
13. Bath Bombs
14. Travel Size Lotion
15. Magazine Subscription
- National Geographic for Kids (6+)
- Highlights for Kids (6+)
- Zoobooks (6-12)
- American Girl (8-12)
- Lego Club (4+)
- Ranger Rick (7-12)
- Ranger Rick Jr. (4-7)
16. Books
- Magic Treehouse
- Imagination Station
- Classics like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Black Beauty, or Treasure Island
- Little House in the Big Woods series
- Chronicles of Narnia Series
17. Beanie Boo Bunny
18. Gel pens
19. Body Wash
20. Fun Bandaids
21. Nail Polish
22. Water Bottle
23. Thank you notes
Any combination of these ideas will make such fun, unique Easter baskets without all the sugar! Best of all, you won’t have to eat all the candy yourself sneakily toss handfuls of candy into the trash while your kids are at school. What?! Am I the only one who does that?
What non-candy Easter basket fillers do you like to give your kids? What are you planning to give them this year? Tell me in the comments!
Great ideas! Grandparents have done bath themed baskets before with the water color tablets, beach towels. Bubble bath, and bath toys. Those sticky toys you can throw on the wall from the Dollar Tree are fun one day toys (never last to become clutter). We have elected not to do Easter baskets as parents the past few years. Rather than repeating what is in the grandparents Easter bags or baskets, we have let it be a special grandparent thing. Our three oldest boys did not even notice when we eliminated them.
Great ideas! Can I add to your magazine subscription list? We have loved Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse for years! My oldest has sent in drawings to feature in the magazine (haven’t won a spot yet) and a kid in our neighborhood got his joke published! It is interactive and great content! I highly recommend it for readers – 13 years old. (My 13 year old still loves it, but she’s childlike at heart)
I didn’t know about that magazine! Thanks for commenting!